Nessa Luna
Written on Jan 16, 2016
I was so happy to see my two favourites, Fitzsimmons, on the cover - because they are honestly my favourite two of the whole team (okay with Daisy added) and I loved to see them in comic form. Other characters we met were Spiderman, Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch, Heimdall and Dr. Strange; and I was so happy to see that Wanda was in one of these comics (which is obviously my favourite comic out of the six that are in this volume). We also see some characters that haven't been introduced into the cinematic universe (yet) like Valkyrie and Ms. Marvel. I have started reading Ms. Marvel's comics and I honestly loved them, so I was super happy to see her make an appearance.
There is a storyline in this volume, that you can see very obviously in the first, third, fifth and sixth comic, the others are just inbetween tasks that the agents need to solve. I was very intrigued by this storyline, especially when Wanda got involved (yeah sorry, I can't help it, I love her). What I didn't like that much though is something I'll put under a spoiler tag. Those people with magical powers got shot down by that guy with the special gun and those anti-magic bullets, but afterwards we don't see what happened to them. We don't see if they got cured, if the bullets were removed safely or not. That's just the one thing I really wanted to know.
Of course this volume consists of six different comics, and some of the comics had different artists, which you can see very obviously because the drawing style is so different from the rest. It didn't bother me that much, but it's something that I noticed. Maybe they tried their best to make it look similar to each other, or maybe they just have similar drawing styles, which I think is good. My favourite is the one in the first comic, because it looks so detailed and though the characters don't really look like their TV show counterparts, I did recognise all of them!
So yeah, in the end, I thought this first volume of S.H.I.E.L.D. was amazing, and I'll certainly be purchasing the next volume as soon as it gets out (according to Goodreads that's next month!). Do you watch Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and love it? Do you want to try out Marvel comics? Then you could try out this one as a starter! (Don't worry, any of the characters you don't know you can look up on the internet, that's what I do).
My opinion on this book in one gif: