Written on Jan 17, 2021
I think this one is just 5 single issues with X-men traveling all over the place to figure out "clues" on where the Phoenix is and in the Last issue Jean Grey is back. They probably could have told this story in a shorter way in the younger "Jean Grey" series book instead of giving it it's own mini-series.
Jean Grey was created during a different time period where she didn't get to shine as much as the boys over the years, some would even call her boring. I've loved the personality of younger Jean Grey (she's the only one of the OG in the future that I can stand right now) that is now in the present, that I want to see them do justice to the fiery personality I know adult Jean can have and I hope we get it in future issues that she is in.
Jean is back and I am excited that she is, but I'm not hopeful because Marvel has made some bad choices with the X-men during this time period.
As I said, the book was just okay, nothing terrible about it, but it's just an average story, where nothing major happened and at the end Jean is back. You can skip it, all you need to know is she's back, that's it.