Quirky Cat
Written on Sep 6, 2018
Are we really onto the third volume of Poe Dameron already? It doesn’t feel like it’s been that long – and I have to wait until they come out on Marvel Unlimited too!
Poe Dameron is one of several Star Wars comics out there right now, but unlike the others I feel like it’s more free to do what it wants, since it’s less tied to the movie cannon (with the exception of the most recent movies, but since they’re still in the works there’s still some wiggle room left).
I wasn’t sure if I would end up liking this series, but I’m so glad that I’ve been keeping up with it. This series does a great job of showing parts of the universe, and of the Rebellion itself, that we wouldn’t otherwise have the chance to see.
I’ll be honest with you here; when I finished reading this volume I actually had to stop and see if the series was officially over, or if it was continuing. In case you were wondering, it is in fact continuing. However, this volume just had one of those endings…the type where I sincerely would have been okay had the authors decided that now was the time to walk away.
Of course, I’m quite happy to know that the series isn’t actually over. I think what I love the most about the Poe Dameron series, as opposed to Star Wars or Darth Vader is that we get to see a totally unique perspective. Yes, Poe has become a bigger figure in the most recent movie, but it doesn’t really change the fact that we don’t know his past, nor do we know his fate. So it leaves a lot of room to work with. I suspect that this reason is also part of the cause for why I also love Doctor Aphra.
Legend Lost wrapped up a lot of the plots that had been in the air for a while now. Granted, there are still a couple loose ends, and even some wiggle room in a couple of cases. For example, while the Terex plot feels wrapped up, they could easily continue it should they so desire. Personally, I’d prefer they let his character sit out for a volume or two before they do that (I prefer rotating villains to the constant ones, at least when they’re really the secondary threat).
There was quite a lot of character development in this one, though shockingly most of it went to secondary and tertiary characters. That isn’t to say that Poe didn’t grow up a bit as well…just not as much as others. I actually really liked the subtle shift that happened here, and it did a wonderful job of humanizing the efforts of the resistance.
There is a lot to be said about this volume. There’s risk, challenge, sacrifice, and so much more. In this a couple of the characters stood out more than the rest, but none more than Suralinda Javos. You’ll remember her from the previous volume. Poe had taken her in for help. It wasn’t clear at the time who her alliance was to, and that’s a consistent concern with her. Still, she’s brilliant and frankly has a lot of good points to make. As much as it hurts to say, the Rebellion really could use a PR agent or two…just saying.
So now I’m facing an odd sort of switch. Before reading this volume I was shocked by how quickly it came out. Now I’m anxiously awaiting the next volume. Figures, doesn’t it? I didn’t know how long the Poe Dameron series was going to run for, but it appears that it’s in for the long haul.