What didn't work for me is that I could connect with neither character and I did not buy the connection between them at all. We had scenes were they were awkward and pretty much seemed to dislike each other, she was not into him, he did not think nicely about her in his internal monologue, then there is a throwaway sentence about how much he wants her, how he desires her. That's not how you write chemistry, you can't just declare it in random sentences and then act like that's all that needs to happen. It has to be something that you can feel between the characters.
The plot wasn't really it either, since there was basically no tension. It was obvious who was involved in the crime (yes, as usual there was a plottwist, but since it was not set up at all, it added nothing to the tension of the story). We all knew who did it and it seemed like Ledge could have ended it far earlier if he just wanted to. The story seemed so completely unnecessary drawn out, it turned me kinda off. Also there were so many unnecessary secrets, like, why didn't Arden tell anybody that she didn't have an affair but chose IVF? That's not a problem, but her "affair" was made a plotpoint several times!
So, didn't like the plot and didn't like the characters, but the writing was alright, so yeah.