Written on Aug 18, 2015
1. The book is a love story in the truest since of the word. You experience the introduction, the build up, the emotions, the struggles, and then you are rewarded with love. Its so real and beautiful. I wish more books were written like this instead of writing about characters who use sex as an ice breaker.
2. The hero of the story is a wounded warrior. End of discussion. That is the baddest ass hero ever written!
3. Kenzie and Mitch's relationship is realistic. Its awkward, weird, confusing, endearing and more. When they have a disagreement, they talk about it! Its so normal! They both fight for each other instead of giving up. They don't allow the miscommunication trap to happen. Carey does a great job avoid all the cliche tropes of romance novels and I love it!
4. Zeus. Read the book and you will understand!
5. While both Mitch and Kenzie think about how hot the other is, it isn't so overly done that you feel the only thing attracting them is looks. Both appreciate each others looks with Carey being overly descriptive. I appreciate this because as a reader, you don't feel like you are unpretty because you don't look like that. When Kenzie is talking about Mitch, she discusses his hotness in general; same for Mitch when he talks of Kenzie. He isn't saying he loves her skinny stomach or other things. It allows you to not feel self conscious about what they find attractive in each other. Its beautifully written and doesn't make the book shallow like so many romance books today.
Mitch is funny and endearing even though he is still not fully emotionally recovered.
It can't be good that she dissed me for my dog.
Unfortunately my plans to win her love don't involve jumping her in my tiny stand up shower.
You know you have it bad for a girl when you can even get turned on imagining them putting on clothes.
Kenzie is cute too. When Mitch uses the excuse of needing help to figure out what to get his sister for her birthday, Kenzie is super excited to help. Mitch mentions his sister likes books...
Oh my God, was it Twilight? I loved Twilight. Did you watch any of the movies?She immediately goes into rambling mode to help and its adorable. Then when she ponders Mitch's hotness...
I take a moment to enjoy the view. Mitch is seriously hot just existing, all shirtless and wet takes him to another love of hotness not previously discovered. Its like when they find a new species of tree frog in the rain forest. I should probably alert the media.
And then there is my favorite first kiss. Seriously, its hot and sweet!
I can smell lemonade on her breath and I dream of tasting it from her lips. Would I repulse her? Could I live with the look of disgust if she'll have if I do? In that moment I decide I don't care.I mean seriously!! Heartbreaking and heart melting all at once!
And then there is this....
Before you came into my life I spent my time chasing daylight but the light within you is so pure and powerful the dark no longer has power over me.. I mean seriously people! That has to be one of the most romantic lines I have ever read. Swoon!
So, bottom line, READ THE BOOK!!!