I don't think I need to tell you that Jack's girlfriend, Bekah's plan blows up in everyone's face. Seriously, who does that?! Avoiding Commitment is truly unlike any other NA romance I'd read before. It alternates between Alexa's week with Jack and Bekah and their past. It goes from the moment they met, through all of their drama, and up to the point that pulled them apart. Alexa leaves out most of the worse details for Bekah's sake, but we learn it all! Those two just could never get their crap together in order to be together! They either were both in relationships, or one of them was, or if they weren't something else came up. It was mess! At least Alexa acknowledges that she knows they were in an unhealthy relationship and were never functional, even if she can't seem to drop Jack.
Of course, Avoiding Commitment has to have a love triangle. Or more like a love rhombus if you include Bekah. Alexa meets Bekah's brother, Ramsey, while she's there. He's sexy and irritating, but he's a good distraction. Not much really happens between them for the most part, since the focus is on Alexa and Jack, but there was solid set up for the next books. It's obvious that he's a much better match for her, but Alexa is caught up in the train-wreck that is Jack and she can't see anything else. That ending? Geez. So much drama! I loved it! I just wish it hadn't taken so long to get there.
I enjoyed Avoiding Commitment a lot. It does drag a bit in places, since Alexa and Jack are stuck in the same cycle, so it's like I had read some parts before. But, overall, if you like drama fueled stories and unlikeable characters (as in people you would not want to be around in real life, but are totally cool with reading about), then I'd recommend it! Jack is the ultimate jerk and I can't wait to see his world crumble, if it in fact does. But how could it not after everything he's done? Although I did have my suspicious about how this trilogy would end.
Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.