Written on Jun 6, 2019
Honest to god I do not understand why I am still reading this series. After the bomb we got dropped on us at the end of book one I was less than excited to start this one. However, I figured I would give book two a try to see if maybe things weren't as they appeared to be. Unfortunately, we get basically zero enlightenment of that situation the entire book. What we do get is a extra special OW sex scene where this zero gets a BJ and fucks an OW women (unprotected) in front of the heroine while humiliating her. Then less than an hour later he is shoving his (again) unprotected dick into the heroines ass. -- charming...I know!
First, I am not a fan of humiliation in books to begin with, so I spent the entire book a little sick to my stomach. Second, I can't stand Elliot. I LOATHE this guy. He is a weak emotionally manipulative asshole. UGH...seriously people! I can't stress enough how much I hate this guy! (lol) There is nothing this author can do to make him redeemable. I don't want Fawn anywhere near him OR to end up with him. I want him to die a gruesome, painful, and bloody death. Alas, I have a feeling that ain't going to happen and we are headed in a sex free-for-all direction with the wife, Elliot, Fawn, and Marius. (lol)
All that said, I feel strangely compelled to continue on to book three. The writing itself is excellent. The plot is intriguing (even with all the things I hate in romance books). The characters are well developed and interesting (even the ones I hate). Maybe I need my head examined? Maybe I am a masochist? Maybe the author sprinkled crack all over the book files?? (lol) Whatever the case may be this reader is hooked!