I read this short story for the Soul Screamers Reading Challenge. The story follows a road trip back from a cultural fair that Emma and Sabine had to go on for extra credit for school. However, the only reason Sabine went was to make a stop on the way back - at Niederwald. She wants to talk to Syrie, an oracle that lives at Niederwald, guarded by a group of harpies.
I LOVED this short story. Why? Because Sabine is the narrator and I love her! It's great to get inside her head a little and to be reminded that she's not all bad, and she does care for those other than herself and Nash.
I'm so glad I waited until after reading If I Die to read it, because I know Sabine's visit to Niederwald would have put ideas into my head and ruined some of the surprises in If I Die - at least it would have for me. I wouldn't want to make guesses on what happens in a book by the short story set before it. However, It's still cool to know now what happened with Sabine in this story and how it relates to If I Die - sorry, I'm trying not to spoil this story or If I Die.
It was great to read about the Harpies and Syrie too. Harpies seem really creepy, and I think they'd be a great cause for conflict in a full length novel, some how. Syrie, it would be good to find out more about her too. I don't know if she's human or not. I'd like to know more about her story.
Over all a very cool and intriguing short story, and it will be cool to see if the events of this story come up again in future books.
Review of the anthology as a whole to come soon.
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