Written on Aug 13, 2017
Basically: cool and different world-building and style, but wasn't engaging and I DNF it.
I was really excited for Mars Girls after reading Books, Bones & Buffy's 4 star review. However, I couldn't finish reading it. I found it dull and didn't care about the characters.
I made it to page 70 and put it down, and didn't want to go back. I have no desire or need to find out what happens next.
It's written from the POV of both girls, with the slang (mears instead years, etc.), and technology. However, that authentic voice and style might be a turn off for people, including me. At first, it seems cool, but annoying and a barrier, TBH.
The L.D.S Jesuit religious temple and devotees were interesting and I'm happy to see authors exploring religion evolution in the future. It was very weird and I had no idea what was going on with them, besides the creepy cult feeling.
I'm sad I didn't enjoy this one. but...*shrug*