Written on Aug 13, 2018
A friends-to-more romance featuring promposals? Yes, please.
I was pretty much all over this book. Between the description and my enjoyment of Mandelski's prior book, The First Kiss Hypothesis, I knew I could expect a fun and cute romance, which would leave a smile on my face.
Things that stood out for me
• The friendship between Alex and Bailey was sort of special. When Bailey and Alex were together, they enjoyed such an ease and could just be themselves. Bailey comments at one point about how there are two versions of Alex, and I must admit, I like the Alex who showed up when Bailey was around. Yes, it was sort of a secret friendship, but not for the wrong reasons. Therefore, I was able to forgive Alex for that.
• The movies!!! Bailey being an aspiring filmmaker talks about and watches lots of films in this book. Some of my favorites were the ones Bails and Alex watched together in an attempt to watch all the top teen movies. Great movies references abounded as well, and I awarded bonus points for the Lloyd Dobbler references.
• The promposals were lots of fun. We didn't have such things when I was in high school, so although I find them a little over the top, the romance lover in me can't help but smile when I hear or read about one.
• I was sort of shocked at quickly Alex wormed his way into my heart. I found my heart aching for him pretty early in the story, and I just wanted to shake him and force him to tell Bailey how he felt. The way these two doubted the other's feelings made me a little nuts, but it was fun holding me breath and waiting for it all to work itself out.
• The culmination of all our patience does payoff with a super cute rom-com ending.
What could have been better
• I would have liked an epilogue, because there were a few things that were talked about often over the course of the book, but we were never told how it all worked out.
• I wish the secondary characters had been utilized more. I felt like a lot of this book was scenes between Bailey and Alex, or their inner monologues. I understand, that Alex was sort of keeping Bailey a secret and that Bailey was either at work, school, or with Alex, but there were some fun characters, who I would have liked to have gotten to know better.
Overall: An adorable opposites-attract, friends-to-more romance with a lots of movie worthy moments.
*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.