Written on Nov 2, 2019
Full disclosure…I don’t wear makeup besides lipstick, prefer to look at animals than touch them, and I should care more about how a product is made and produced. All the cool kids wear makeup, but it makes my skin and eyes itch. I’m allergic to cats and I just don’t know what to do with dogs as I’m not overly fond of touching them. When it comes to products I buy, I’m not always thinking about how it was made, what was sacrificed to make it, and if someone/some animal suffered to get it to the store. I know I should care more, but more times than not, I’m thinking about efficiency, budget, and the needs and wants of my family.
So, I started this story feeling uncool, guilty, uninformed and a little left out. Wild Open Hearts was always going to be the tough one for me to love in the Bluewater Billionaires series. I couldn’t work out how a free-spirited, earth-loving, animal-lover could have billions of dollars. When I met Luna, it just seemed she went against everything she stood for. Yes, we see growth and change by the end but unfortunately, I couldn’t forget that this “hippie” ended up just being greedy.
The biggest problem with Wild Open Hearts was that I didn’t love the hero. I NEED TO LOVE THE HERO!! Beck was weak and not at all the big, growly biker I was hoping for. In real life, I probably wouldn’t think Beck was bad or weak, but in romancelandia, he was a huge letdown. I need my heroes to do the chasing not the other way around. I need my hero to be confident and not let his doubts and shortcomings guide his decisions. I need him to be in control, work hard for what he wants and not settle for less.
I’m probably being a wee bit too harsh, but I couldn’t relate to the characters. Luna seemed oblivious to what was going on around her and based her self-worth on how many likes she received on social media. Beck was the Executive Director and it seemed to me, everyone who worked at Lucky Dogs would have been better for the job. It just didn’t make any sense whatsoever. I just didn’t get how Luna was so successful and why Beck was doing something that didn’t suit his personality.
I’ve been a fan of this series, but I had a feeling before I started that Luna’s story wasn’t going to work for me. It wasn’t all bad though. I loved catching up with Emily, Cameron and Daisy. The sexy times were HOT!!! I really loved seeing the relationship between Beck’s co-workers, Wes and Jem develop on the sidelines. The shelter and how the dogs are rehabilitated was interesting and it made me wonder what facilities we have in Australia. I wanted to taste some of the vegan treats and dishes Luna talked about. Not saying I want to give up bacon, but I’m more inclined to try more vegan/vegetarian dishes in the future.
Wild Open Hearts wasn’t all bad but it wasn’t all good either. I think if I could have related to the main characters more, it would have been better. Don’t judge by my review alone, check out what others think and you may find that Wild Open Hearts is perfect for you.