The Whirlpool by George Gissing tells the story of upper-middle class late-Victorian families following the collapse of a bank. This is Gissing's last big novel written in 1897. The story revolves around Alma, a young girl of 20, who's father's shameful performance lead to the banks losses and his suicide. She has to go abroad to make plans and further her questionable musical career; she has two admirers follow her Cyrus Redgrave a wealthy bachelor (who makes an indecent proposal in the most understated Victorian way imaginable) and Harvey Rolfe (the nice one whom she ends up marrying). Harvey has a close friend Hugh who marries Sibyl. The underlying and all too subtle catalyst is what are Sibyl and Alma may or may no be prepared to do to have Cyrus as a friend and patron?
- ISBN13 9781105742170
- Publish Date 9 May 2012
- Publish Status Out of Print
- Out of Print 25 June 2021
- Publish Country US
- Imprint
- Format eBook (OEB)
- Language English