Written on Jun 19, 2016
I really, really enjoyed Out on Good Behavior, which is no surprise. Frankie and Samara are so different, but sooo perfect for each other. Samara helps Frankie see that she can do commitment and that it's not a scary thing. While Frankie helps Samara come out of her shell and out of the closet. Frankie also unleashes a wild woman in Samara, so their sex scenes are very sexy! Even their just making out scenes will make you all hot and bothered! Good lord.
There is one part in Out on Good Behavior where I got nervous for a second, but then I remembered that that always happens with this author's books and she's never taken the expected path. That's no exception here. Where in any other NA Romance there'd be some huge drama where no one is listening to anyone and they have a huge fight for no reason, Frankie and Samara basically go in the entirely opposite direction and I loved that! It led to very good things!
I also really liked how Frankie's sexuality was handled. Even if you don't read the previous book (which you should!!!), we're explicitly told that she's pansexual and what that means. It's not presented as a brochure handout on pansexuality either. Frankie gives a basic, clear explanation of what it is and then tells how it is for her. I think that's important, because people can ID the same way but still have differing, valid views. And I loved how Frankie's promiscuity had nothing to do with her orientation. She's not confused or greedy. She just likes sex and that's wonderful!
Out on Good Behavior was just an awesome read. There's so many amazing things going on here, so you must read it! But also make sure you've eaten because there's a lot of food talk!
Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.