Quirky Cat
Jessica Jones: Alias Vol. 1 is one of the most groundbreaking series out there, involving the one and only Jessica Jones. Not to be confused with Jessica Drew, another detective of the Marvel universe. This is where Jess' series really ramped up, and made her story famous (or is it infamous?).
There was a time when Jessica Jones dreamed of being a superhero. Those days are long gone. Her powers grant her incredible strength, but most days they also tend to cause her more problems than they solve.
Perhaps that is why she turned to private detective work. She gets to work her own hours, and deal with creeps in her own special way. It pulls in a paycheck, and could never be confused with superhero work. Probably.
Guys, I cannot tell you how much I love Jessica Jones: Alias Vol. 1. This has got to me be fourth or fifth time reading the series (though it also might be more than that...). It's simply amazing, and is without a doubt the graphic novel that got me hooked on Jess' story.
Jessica Jones is a gritty and snarky character, and those characteristics shine through very strongly in this series, let me tell you. Her backstory is tortured, a fact hinted at even during the earliest parts of this volume.
All of these details work together to weave a specific narrative, one that sucks readers in, eager to find out what is going to happen next. It's a story of trauma and recovery, of addiction and battles. It's a quintessential Jessica Jones story, in short.
Obviously, I'm giving bonus points for certain character appearances in this volume (some of my favorites show up, need I say more?). It's a nice touch, and helps to further ground this series in the larger Marvel universe.
Now, the artwork! That is another part of this story worth talking about. First of all, all of the covers from this series are absolutely fantastic. Some of my favorites, actually. The artwork within is quite a bit different from the covers, with a few notable exceptions. Still, it fits the whole of the story, and has quickly grown on me.
Jessica Jones: Alias Vol. 1 is a personal favorite of mine, and even after several read throughs, it still holds up. My only regret is that the series isn't longer (and that Jessica Jones doesn't currently have an actively updating series – I miss her).
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