I'm always excited about a new Elliott Lisbon mystery being released; Kendel Lynn doesn't publish on the typical once-a-year schedule, so you just never know when or if the next one is coming.
But they're worth the suspense - these are well-written mysteries with solid plots and while definitely cozy, there's nothing cutesy or twee about the characters or the plots. Shake Down starts off slow and builds slowly, with the search for a missing woman. Is she missing? Did she just take off? Was there foul play involved? Elliott Lisbon is a PI in training, putting in her required hours before receiving her license and she's hired to find the woman, or find out what happened to her.
For spice, and possibly levity, there's a reality tv show involved in the plot, but the ending is unexpected and, well, unexpected. This one isn't going to keep you on the edge of your seat, but it will offer you a satisfying mystery.