Written on Apr 11, 2013
Being oceans away in Australia, the first attack that hit the world trade centre was during the live late news. Typically, I was sleeping, but woke up at 8:00am on September the 12th and couldn't believe what I was seeing. I was 21 years old, in the middle of blow drying my hair and I have never been more horrified than at that exact moment, and that still holds true to this very day.
Like most people around the world that was morbidly glued to the stream of coverage containing those terrifying images, I was frozen. I sat down on the couch, hairbrush in hand and couldn't believe what I was witnessing. As a citizen of the world's population, I was devastated, angry and like most people, that was the day that, like many others, I lost faith in humanity.
As we follow the story of Claire, Jasper and Peter, three young adults affected by the attacks in New York, we see glimpses of the beauty that is people. People who have lost themselves, family members, loved ones and hope, coming together to make a difference. A place known as the city that never sleeps, time stood still and the sense of community and to help their fellow New Yorkers was so emotionally draining. Whether handing out free water to those escaping the towers collapsing, giving city women trainers, to replace their high heels, or simply lighting a candle and praying for those that were taken from their loved ones far too soon by those who breed hatred and took it upon themselves to kill innocent men, women and children... Simply because of their way of life.
This book will take you through the emotional struggle of reliving that truly horrific set of events. It's heartbreaking, but I'm thankful I had the opportunity to be able to reflect on how Americans and the world pulled together to remember those that were lost.