One thing I really hated was the fact that Edward was so intent on not giving anything to Bella. In particular sex. I was so upset by that. Probably more so than Bella herself because it's like he goes away and comes back and he won't even give her himself. Something I tolerated in Twilight I found really hard to in this one after all he did.
The fact that the werewolves and vampires couldn't think to work together was also pretty stupid. I was just frustrated in general with this. And really upset with the whole situation between Jacob and Edward. It annoys me that Edward can't give her what she needs - i.e. being warm. It annoys me that Jacob doesn't want to be her friend even though that's all she wants.
But Meyer writes well. And once again, I'm drawn into the story. On a positive note, Alice is a wonderful character who's full of life. And so is Emmett and I loved that we got more of an insight to Rosalie and Jasper. Because they're all awesome. And I loved the fight scene with Edward and the werewolf killing Victoria and that. That was cool. So yeah. Top marks for all the good stuff but it's not enough to make up for the rest of it.