Cocktails and Books
Written on May 16, 2016
I have to tell you, this book was one after my own heart. I met my husband when we lived on opposite coasts and struggled with the long distance thing. The emotions and feelings that J. Sterling put into these characters as they dealt with this was real and reminded me so much of what it was like for me in a similar situation.
Cal and Jules met, coincidentally, in a hotel bar in Boston. She's there for a conference, he's there for a work offsite. Their attraction is immediate and their chemistry off the charts. The problems: she lives in LA and he in Boston, both are workaholics and a relationship is on neither of their radars. But Jules and Cal soon discover what they want and what fate has in store for them are two different things.
I loved Cal and Jules, both separately and together. They were career driven and tried to play off their lack of relationships on their need to build their careers. But what it took was finding the right person. In the immortal words of Forrest Gump, Cal and Jules went together like peas and carrots. They understood each other. Their need to succeed. But they also felt the same kind of need for the other person. Like the knew that was their missing piece.
This doesn't mean their relationship was easy. Distance played a part, but so did Cal's timeline for pushing his career forward. And like with any relationship, there's screw-up and the one who screws up has to realize what's important. Cal and Jules figure things out and they get that HEA readers root for from the moment these two meet.