Written on Oct 2, 2018
- First Date: Since meeting Raven and India in the first School of Dukes novel, What A Difference A Duke Makes, I've been dying to know what all the snark, chemistry and banter between these two was about. I loved their back story even if I wanted to both hug and throttle Raven. India is absolutely delightful from sneaking into men's only clubs to the tongue lashings she relishes giving Raven I both admired her and feared her..lol When the Rosetta Stone is discovered missing India decides to pursue the matter. She needs that stone to find her next archaeologist discovery. Raven is more than the fortune hunter and rogue he appears to be. In fact it's all a disguise for his real role. He is determined to find the stone first and keep India safe. Attempts to persuade lead to some hilarious developments involving swans and pink shirts...but I will leave you to discover that for yourselves.
- Second Date: They travel to Paris and try to act civilized. India discovered her friend can longer house her and that she will be staying under the same roof as Raven. The two must put their differences and attraction aside to find the stone. Theft, robbery, and stolen moments had me reading into the wee hours. I love that Bell allowed the outside world to slip away as I laughed, worried for their safety and watched these two give into their passion.
- Third Date: While the road to romance was paved with their own stubbornness, it certainly was an entertaining one. India is headstrong and brings poor Raven to his knees. As they search for suspects and the missing stone, it was delightful seeing each admire and fall for the other. Drama was kept to a minimum due to the suspense angle. The mystery was well-developed with a clever twist. Fans of enemies to lovers and second chance romances will love this unique couple. The tale wrapped up with a wonderful epilogue that left me grinning from ear to ear.