Written on Jan 10, 2019
I enjoyed this one for the most part. It was a relatively quick read that had me hooked right from the start. The writing was great. It was well paced. It was told in a dual POV format. The plot was engaging. The sex scenes were smokin' hot and leaned towards some BDSM action. Neither were virgins. There wasn't any OW drama. There was some OM drama in the form of her husband. There was only one secondary character of note, and that was Mateo. I can't wait to read his and Sofia's book.
Both the main characters were likable. I loved Valentina. She had been dealt a sh!t hand, but she still had some strength inside her. I liked Adrián as well, but I had a bit of an issue with his hatred for Valentina. It annoyed me a bit that it never ONCE crossed this dude's mind that MAYBE, just MAYBE Valentina was being forced to pretend to be in love with her husband? He knew first hand how evil Hugo was, not to mention his father, yet it never occurs to him to maybe...I don't know...have a conversation with her instead of just ASSuming??!! Ya...Ya...I know, it would have been a short book if they worked it out right off the bat, but I still found it annoying! (lol) Last, it was all wrapped up in a happy for now ending.
So that is about all I have to say. I enjoyed it, and I am looking forward to the next book.