Baroness Book Trove
Written on Nov 3, 2019
Is the death that happened twenty years ago connected to the recent death?
Kate Hamilton
Kate Hamilton is our sleuth and the main point of view character. She is a great woman that is now in England visiting her daughter, Christine, who is at an internship. She is also spending some time with a particular cop that she met in Scotland 30 days before her coming back. I love how Ms. Barry has made this character as she is so uniquely driven by not only wanting to help her daughter but also to help the Lady that runs the house where her daughter works.
What I like about Kate is that yes, she is a widow, but she isn't letting that hold her back any longer. She is a great mystery solver that is excellent at helping at old houses.
Tom Mallory
Tom Mallory is our love interest to Kate Hamilton and our police involvement. He likes Kate is a widow, but he lives where Kate's daughter's job is located. It is a unique relationship these two hold as they both know that neither will give up their place for the other, but they are still trying to make it work. Tom is also glad to have Kate's help in this murder investigation but doesn't want her to get hurt.
What I like about Tom is that he does allow her to help him out as long as she tells him what she finds out and as long as it isn't directly involved within the murder. It's a tight line that she walks.
The mystery
The mystery is a cold case about how a girl twenty years earlier may be related to the recent death that has happened in the same place as she was? That is the eerie question since the victim Tiffany was working to bring to light a missing treasure for this family, and so was the first victim. Coincidence? I think not.
Five Stars
We follow once again through Kate Hamilton's shoes as we travel through the English countryside, visiting Kate's daughter at her new job and trying to figure out her budding relationship with a particular cop. A Legacy of Murder by Connie Berry isn't like any old book but one that you want to sink your teeth into now. I am giving this book five stars and recommending it to anyone that loves cozy mysteries.
First Book in the Series
To see my review on A Dream of Death, go HERE.
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This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove