Charli G.
Written on Oct 12, 2015
I admit I'm late to the Percy Jackson game. I saw the trailers for the Lightning Thief movie and I was mildly interested but didn't pay much attention because at the time I wasn't reading (the dreaded reading slump) and because I actually didn't know it was based on a book at that time. I learned that later, but still didn't watch the movie or read the book.
But as I was perusing the library shelves at my college, The Lightning Thief was sitting there in all it's glory and I decided I might as well see what the fuss was about. I saw - so much so that I actually finished the book (devoured it) the same day I checked it out, which was actually yesterday (Oct. 12, 2015).
I'm a Greek Mythology nut. I absolutely love it. Yet I found characters from the Greek myths that I hadn't heard of before in this book. Which is a good thing because it wasn't boring to me when the Greek myth characters were in the mix. I loved how the gods were portrayed - especially Artemis, who is included even though she's chosen to remain a maiden and therefore wouldn't have children. At first Ares was a bit of a shock but then I could see where a biker would be a good fit for him. And I'm still laughing about the fact that Poseidon looks like a beach bum/tourist when Percy meets him.
I won't tell you, if you don't know, who Percy's father is, but I will say it didn't take me long to figure it out. But then again, that's not a bad thing. It's actually quite helpful.
It's hard not to give away the entire story - you just have to read the book for yourself if you haven't already. Trust me, this book is amazing.