Written on Feb 19, 2012
You only have to read the synopsis to know that this book is out of my normal reading comfort zone. In fact, I'm pretty sure this was my first book with a threesome. But if I'm going to do a threesome, Jodi Redford is the right person to do it with. I mean, she writes it. And I read it. What did you think I meant? Now, as Kelly has informed me before, menage =/= love triangle. And this certainly was the case here. And thank goodness, because we all know my opinion about love triangles (a big *thumbs down* in case you need the reminder). I'm not about to jump on the menage bandwagon, but I liked how the relationships between all three characters were handled, and that there was a HEA. This is a romance, after all.
I picked up That Voodoo You Do on a day that I was not supposed to be reading at all. I selected it because it was one of the shorter reads that I had (it's either the equivalent of 143 or 208 pages, depending on which version on Goodreads you believe) and that alone. Well, that and I creep on Jodi on Twitter. And Kelly and Shirley and others love Jodi. So, I figured that it was about time I got around to reading That Voodoo You Do. Based on the synopsis and what I had heard, I was a little apprehensive, but I was pleasantly surprised at what a fun read this was.
Jemma and Griff bring new meaning to sex that rocks the world by accidentally unleashing a zombie apocalypse. Remember when I said I'm not a fan of zombies? I lied, because I like Jodi's zombies (I'd probably also like Kelly's zombies if they ever showed up in her zombieless zombie story, but that's another story for another time). The zombies are all tied into the evil voodoo queen bent on taking over the world. And there are witches. And werewolves (YES, even a #NakedWerewolf). And tigers -- OH MY.
Beyond those elements, That Voodoo You Do boils down to a really sweet romance. This is what I truly enjoyed, it is what kept me reading despite my reservations, and it is what will make me continue with the series (book 2 is already sitting on my wishlist as we speak, or rather, as I type this). There is magic and romance and zombies and witches and sexy times. Does it really get any better than that? If you like fun, quirky paranormal romances, take That Voodoo You Do for a romp. It will leave you feeling flushed and satisfied.