Emma (SCR)
This book was a book of two halves. The first half is slower-paced. Katie is working on the case of Sam Stiles. I was disappointed that this case wasn't wrapped up completely but I guess this is quite realistic, not every case has a nice is neatly tied up in a bow. The second half of the book is more about the case of Cynthia and Katie's aunt. The last third of this book really ramps up the pace. I was seriously on the edge of my seat, gripping my kindle so tight with all the tension.
Katie is frustrating at times but I can understand why she acts the way she does. She is trying to protect her friends but they just want to help her. Katie again puts herself in a dangerous situation in order to close the case. Luckily Katie has good friends and of course Cisco.
This was an enjoyable read with some really gripping moments. I'm looking forward to returning to Katie's world in the next story.