Written on Sep 17, 2020
Tinkerlab Art Starts contains 52 art/creativity prompts for elementary aged children written and presented by Rachelle Doorley. Due out 24th Nov 2020 from Roost Books, it's 176 pages (print version) and will be available in paperback and ebook formats.
With the state of the world at the moment (in the middle of a pandemic lockdown), finding fun and constructive/engaging ways to redirect energy can be a sanity saver (for adults *and* kids). These 52 (!!) tutorials are arranged thematically: crayons paper & stickers (dry materials), paint water sponges (wet materials), paper scraps felt glue (collage materials), and blocks beads toothpicks (building materials). The book also includes a glossary and resource list as well as an index. The author has also included a very useful materials master list of all the supplies used in the book grouped thematically by department where they're located (paper, paint, glue/tape, drawing tools, etc).
The introduction includes an overview of safety guidelines and essential tools and supplies. The author provides an intriguing look at process and creativity without direct adult supervision. By introducing materials with an invitation to create (what could these become? What happens if we paint over this crayon? How does this material react with that one?), the child is allowed a much greater latitude for creativity, competence building, problem solving, and learning. Each tutorial includes an introduction, supplies in a bullet list, and open ended directions written in clear accessible language. The tutorials also include instructive photos which can be used as loose general creativity prompts.
The tools and supplies used are almost all easy to find and inexpensive, many can use recycled and upcycled ingredients which would otherwise go to waste.
Four stars. This would be a superlative choice for a maker's group, home library, school or public library group (when we can gather again) as well as for home use, and for babysitters and caregivers.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.