Nicole Lynn
Written on Aug 24, 2020
This story definitely started off slow but picked up by the middle. I think I’ve been reading too many fast-paced, adventure/suspense novels so my pacing may be off. By the time I finished and now that I’m reflecting I don’t think the story was necessarily slow so much as it felt more like an experience than a story. I’m not quite sure if I’m explaining this right lol. Idk it was like watching an experience come to life through someone else’s eyes. The author did a wonderful job of making me feel like I was there and experiencing what Esther was experiencing.
I didn’t know that Jewish people fled to Cuba as a place of refuge. It is definitely a blank spot in my knowledge of history & what I was taught in school. I think so many schools just focus on The Diary of Ann Frank or Number the Stars so we don’t get too many varying experiences. Letters From Cuba changes that. Behar shows a story I knew nothing of and immerses you in that story. I loved seeing the different cultures and religions showcased in this story and I loved how the people came together & became friends & supported each other despite having different religions and cultures. I loved how Behar tried her best to convey these different cultures & religions. I also enjoyed how she touched on the antisemitism & the struggle of the Jewish people and the looming threat of Nazi Germany and Nazisim.
Overall this was a fantastic story. More of a review to come!