Beth C.
Written on Sep 18, 2019
The book is told from the alternating viewpoints of two kids - Karina and Chris. Sometimes that is a struggle to keep involved with, but I felt it was done really well here. And it was good to see how the same attack, and the same issues, affect two very different people. Thankfully, it's also not a PREACHY book, which many kids would just roll their eyes at and move on.
This isn't a sappy story, but there are moments when I had tears in my eyes. It IS a very timely story, as hate crimes are on the rise, and have been for some time. Those are hard things to explain to kids, and I feel this book can go a long ways in helping kids to understand what a hate crime is, how they affect so many more people than just the target, and how people can combat hate when they come across it. Sometimes it's little things, and sometimes bigger - but everyone has a voice, and this book shows that using your voice is the best way to help.