Initial thoughts: If you're new to minimalism or the slow movement, When Less Becomes More is bound to inspire you with some small actionable steps you can take to declutter various areas of your life — physically, mentally and emotionally. Although, since this reads more like a memoir, it's mostly based on anecdotes.
Even though it's published by Thomas Nelson, a publisher that focuses on Christian content, religious aspects were only vaguely referenced. Whether you consider this good or bad depends on what you're looking for. I was a little surprised because I expected more integration between the author's Christian beliefs and how they tie in with her exploration of minimalism.
Either way, When Less Becomes More is a quick and encouraging read that reminds women that not everything on our to-do lists are emergencies, so we shouldn't let them rule our lives. The suggestions on how to be present and live life more meaningfully are bound to be helpful to anyone who feels overwhelmed and frazzled in our hyperconnected world today.