Written on May 21, 2015
This is a good continuation of the first book. Everything flowed smoothly and I like how it ended. We learned some things that could be in the third book. I like Audrey and her Mom and how she reacts to certain situations.
My only "beef" with the series, is that I don't see the relationship between Audrey and Leon, it just seems like they have no chemistry. I think it's the bond that they share from his guardianship, that is driving there relationship. Another thing is, that they are in two different places in life with Leon being older. He treats her like a child, instead of a potential romantic partner. It's understandable that he is worried about her, but he doesn't see Audrey as his equal.
It did get somewhat resolved in the end of the book, with Audrey and Leon, but I can see them still have tension about equal footing in the future. I think the Author should either show that the romantic feelings are from them or the guardianship. It's not clear to me.
Overall, I loved most of the book and what we learned. I can't wait for the third book.