Written on Mar 19, 2013
When Sarah Peterson walks into her house one afternoon, the last thing she expects is to find her husband Colin in bed with the next door neighbour, but that she does, and her whole life seems to be falling apart, as she also has her job on the line. She finds herself moving into a cottage owned by her best friend Melissa’s cousin Kit and as she tries to make her new life work for her and her two boys, she finds herself sucked in to Kit’s crazy world, where it doesn’t matter if you can’t cook – you’ll be offered a TV show anyway on looks alone! Kit is desperate to make his new show work, and along with producer Magda, they rope Sarah in to help Kit out. In return for payment, Sarah will teach Kit how to cook and act the part of his wife, but Sarah’s life is about to get a lot more complicated than she expected…
I LOVED Cooking Up A Storm. Absolutely bloody loved it, from the first page to the last, there wasn’t a thing I didn’t like about the book! Sarah was a Chick Lit heroine I DREAM of reading about! She didn’t take any crap from her husband (even when he came crawling back; take note Chick Lit, it is possible to say no to a returning husband/boyfriend), she quickly found herself a new life after discovering her husband cheated, finding herself living with best friend Melissa’s cousin Kit’s estate’s cottage. I loved Kit most of all, his innocence, his charm, his boyishness, he was the ideal hero of the book and I just wanted to go and live in his big, ramshackle house. I loved the idea of Sarah cooking for Kit so he could have his TV show, and I loved how Magda forced them (sort of, forced is really the wrong word, but it works) to be a couple for the TV and I just loved how well Sarah and Kit got on, right from the get-go. I loved, loved, loved, loved, loved it. The setting, the characters, the plot, the writing, the recipes at the end of each chapter, it was perfect.
I thoroughly recommend Cooking Up A Storm. As soon as you’re finished reading my gushing, babbling review, go ahead and buy it, it’ll be the best book you purchase, believe me. Sue Welfare has hit it out of the park with Cooking Up A Storm. I didn’t want to leave Sarah, Kit or the boys! I was so sad to come to the end, and I haven’t said that in a while. I really, really, really hope a new Sue Welfare book will be on the way REALLY soon, because I absolutely adored this one. I cannot believe she had to take the self-publishing route (which is ace, there is absolutely nothing wrong with self-publishing at all), I’m just a tad surprised a traditional publisher didn’t pick this up because it was awesome. Seriously, go and buy it, it is ace and you will not regret the purchase AT ALL. I loved it.