Written on Jan 6, 2015
That being said, it wasn't that bad. It was predictable but it was also nice. The characters were decent. I especially liked Adeleica with her particularly straight forward manner. The heroine... something French... Ms. Laurent I believe, started off a bit weak and lost of me but it was a good place for her to begin in order to grow as a character.
The thing about this book is that I could put it down rather easily, which I don't normally do with books. I was never so engaged in the story that I couldn't come to the end of a chapter and put it down for the night. Which is why it took me weeks to read. Well, maybe only one week once I started in earnest but I read the first few chapters and then didn't pick it up again for a few weeks. Still, I liked it well enough and would read another book in the series for a pleasant, easy read some time.