Jeff Sexton
Written on Dec 15, 2019
Where she seemingly is unaware of her inconsistency bordering on hypocrisy is when she claims repeatedly that we have more than enough information in the historical record to "confirm" climate change... yet claims with near the same frequency when discussing volcanoes and earthquakes that we simply don't have enough information in the *geologic* historical record to be able to make any significant determinations. Hmmm...
Recommended for the mostly detailed discussions, but be prepared to have about a boulder of salt in some passages.
(I don't remember if this publisher requested it, but just in case, some legalese that I despise but try to tag on when requested: This book publishes in March 2020 and I am writing this review 10 days before Christmas 2019. Thus, this is very obviously an Advance Review Copy. All opinions are completely my own and freely given.)