The North Atlantic Igneous Province (Special Publication, #197)
Summary Report on Explorations in Nova Scotia, 1907 (Classic Reprint)
by Hugh Fletcher
Late Cenozoic Drainage History of the Southwestern Great Basin and Lower Colorado River Region (Special Paper, #439)
Historical Seismology (Modern Approaches in Solid Earth Sciences, #2)
Modern seismology has faced new challenges in the study of earthquakes and their physical characteristics. This volume is dedicated to the use of new approaches and presents a state of the art in historical seismology. Selected historical and recent earthquakes are chosen to document and constrain related seismic parameters using updated methodologies in the macroseismic analysis, field observations of damage distribution and tectonic effects, and modelling of seismic waveforms. A critical re-ev...
The overwhelming focus of this 2nd volume of “Physics of Lakes” is adequately expressed by its subtitle “Lakes as Oscillators”. It deals with barotropic and baroclinic waves in homogeneous and stratified lakes on the rotating Earth and comprises 12 chapters, starting with rotating shallow-water waves, demonstrating their classification into gravity and Rossby waves for homogeneous and stratified water bodies. This leads to gravity waves in bounded domains of constant depth, Kelvin, Poincaré and...
Petroleum Geology of the North Sea
Since the 3rd edition of this publication, emphasis within the petroleum industry has shifted from exploration to appraisal and development of existing hydrocarbon resources. This change is reflected in this new 4th edition, which has been significantly expanded to accomodate additional material. The centrepiece of the book, however, remains a series of descriptions, in stratigraphic order, of the depositional history and hydrocarbon related rock units of the North Sea.
Radiolaria (Swiss Journal of Geosciences Supplement, #2)
Radiolaria are a very diverse marine siliceous microplankton group that have existed at least snice the Cambrian to the recent. This volume gives a representative view of research topics discussed at the 10th International Meeting of Radiolarian Palaeontologists. The articles of this volume cover mainly radiolarian biochronology and radiolarian fauna changes.
Plate Reconstruction From Paleozoic Paleomagnetism , Geodynamics Series Volume 12 (Geodynamics)
Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geodynamics Series, Volume 12. The decade of the 1970's saw increasing global evidence leading to the reconstruction of the continents and oceanic plates through time, fostered by the Geodynamics Project. Aspects of this project are being continued under the auspices of the International Lithosphere Program, and in particular Working Group 2 of the Program, on Phanerozoic plate motions and orogenesis, is active in the unraveling of past...
Prédiction de la fragmentation des roches abattues
by Mohamed Saoudi and Imene Rogai
Archives du Musée Teyler, 1905, Vol. 9 (Classic Reprint)
by Musee Teyler
Quantitative Geophysics and Geology (Springer Praxis Books)
by Louis Lliboutry
This book is unique in bridging the gap between geology and geophysics. Its integrative approach presents students and researchers in these disciplines with other methodologies as they try to understand the Earth's processes. It runs the gamut of earth sciences, from earthquakes and seismic exploration to thermal convection and the orogenic processes. Each chapter starts with the well-established facts and then proceeds through a logical framework to the most conjectural questions, such as conti...
Mechanically Stabilized Backfill
Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil (GRS) structures have gained increasing popularity in earthwork construction in many parts of the world. In actual construction, GRS structures have continued to demonstrate many distinct advantages over their conventional counterparts. GRS structures are typically more ductile, more flexible, more economical, more adaptable to low quality backfill, and easier to construct. This book contains the proceedings of the International Symposium on Mechanically Stabilized B...
The Eastern Margin of the Burlington-Keokuk (Valmeyeran) Carbonate Bank in Illinois (Classic Reprint)
by Jerry Alvin Lineback
The Sand and Gravel Resources North of Gainsborough, Lincolnshire (Mineral Assessment Reports)
by J.R. Gozzard
Physics & Chemistry of the Earth (Physics & Chemistry of the Earth, #10)
by L H Ahrens