Written on Jul 20, 2018
It's definitely a romantic comedy style book. It had me laughing within the first ten pages. It had a different writing style, that took some getting used to, but when I got into it, I just couldn't put it down.
Brooke is a klutzy and bi*chy woman, who has a big crush on her best friend, Cain. She's very dramatic and really kind of mean, but she knows it herself, and she fully admits to it. That makes it much easier to read. Her friendship with Carly and Cain made me long for friends like those, especially Carly. Their dynamic and chemistry was so very well written.
The romance is very slow, and it's not even that detailed, but I liked it, it was a nice summer read. It had so much heart. Heart and humor. It made me feel all warm inside.
The best thing about this book though, was the humor. Yes, I need to mention it so many times, because it was hilarious! It almost made me pee my pants. How often does that happen (don't answer that, please)?!
I can definitely recommend this book to all those who need a good laugh, whether you're into romance or not.