Written on Feb 14, 2019
The plot of the book is actually pretty great. I loved the idea of it all. The characters were an amazing bonus to the story. Each one so intricate, with so many layers to them, and filled with secrets. The secrets were pretty much what kept me going. I just wanted to know what was going on with all of them.
I'm a sucker for a good slow-burn romance but this one was just too slow for my liking. I did like the fact that because it was super slow, Rachel and Lucas got to know one another more. Sure, the secrets were still there, but over looking that aspect, they really got to know one another very well, especially Rachel knowing Lucas, since they would talk through the years on his talk show (he didn't know it was her, though).
Overall, it was a nice read with beautiful characters. I recommend it if you're looking to take your time while reading. The romance was pretty cute and adorable once it developed.
I received an eARC from the publisher through Netgalley for my honest review. This doesn't change or alter my thoughts on the book in any way.