Written on Jul 29, 2010
Knowing that "The Last Operative" is a retelling of Jerry's first standalone novel is hard to fully grasp, because this book is so literal and set with today's political avenues, but then I guess history does repeat itself.
Jordan Kirkwood is a great character, if you know me at you, you probably know that I have a very fond love of the television show and books "Alias" and many other things espionage. Jordan is an NSA (National Security Agency) CIA-like (Central Intelligence Agency) operative and currently one of a kind. He is in for quite the unexpected adventure even in his line of work and his future and past as well as his faith are all at stake. Jump on in and enjoy the story, but be prepared to put a little time aside to read the whole thing, because you won't want to stop.
*Thanks to Tyndale House Publishers for providing a copy for review.*