Baroness Book Trove
Written on Nov 12, 2019
Can M.K. put away her issues about wanting a baby to be there for Clay and his son?
M.K. Donnelly
M.K. Donnelly is a friend of Flora's and was at her wedding in Las Vegas. M.K. is very different than Flora as she loves to bake and is more into the structure and planning of everything. No kidding, M.K. almost gave herself an ulcer trying to find her current house. She is an excellent character despite all those flaws. Although, maybe she has been rebelling against her mom a bit too much.
What I like about M.K. is that despite everything that has happened in her life and believing that marriage isn't worth it, she is thinking about it with Clay. She is an independent person that started her own business and wants what is best for herself. What I dislike about her is that she didn't take time to stop and seriously think about why she believes the things she does.
Clay McFadden
Clay McFadden is the VP of Marketing at his uncle's business and all-around playboy. That is until M.K. stepped into his life. After that, it's all been about her. He is a great guy who loves baseball and is trying to be a good person, but he never thought about becoming a parent himself. Well, until his son was literally dropped into his life by a girl that he went with one time. Clay has taken on fatherhood as best as he can, and he loves it. Yet, did he maybe let M.K. leave a bit too soon?
What I like about Clay is that he turned his life around when he found out about his son and wants to raise him even if that is by himself. The one thing that I dislike about him is that he could have fought for M.K. at least asked her why.
Five Stars
Beautifully Baked by Holly Kerr is a great fast read romantic comedy that will surely make anyone laugh out loud. It's an excellent book in that M.K. finds herself doing something that she has never thought that she was doing. Will it help her in the end? I am giving it five stars and recommending it to all rom-com readers.
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Happy Reading!
This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove