Written on Aug 5, 2017
Seriously, if you're going to write a companion novella, write...Read more
Okay, so I don't normally read novellas, but these are Jake and Chelsea!! How can I not?? And you know what? This was so fucking adorable I can't deal.
Seriously, if you're going to write a companion novella, write it like this. So it gives me all the joy and the warm fuzz in the chest and those butterflies in your stomach. I want more, though. I want an entire spin off series for the kids. Seriously. MAKE IT HAPPEN. Plz.
*sobs into my pillow*
Seriously, if you're going to write a companion novella, write it like this. So it gives me all the joy and the warm fuzz in the chest and those butterflies in your stomach. I want more, though. I want an entire spin off series for the kids. Seriously. MAKE IT HAPPEN. Plz.
*sobs into my pillow*