Written on Oct 12, 2013
We follow Jacinda, a journalist, who wants to write a story about life as a carnivalleo. Little did she know that she would also find love. Of course, we the reader know this will happen, it's the reason we are here to begin with!
This story follows Dawson's typical format, strong female lead, sexy as hell male lead, someone has a secret, there is danger, and then we all live happily ever after. But the fact that she does it in a novella, and you still feel you know the characters, is an amazing feat. The twist/secret in Daggerman is not one I saw coming, and it is adorable and I love it. I can't say anything else, because I am afraid I will give it away.
The way Dawson can transport us to Sang, no matter how long or short the story is, is a talent not many authors have. She paints such a real picture of a place that is so magical that I feel like I should have a souvenir sitting on my bookshelf. Oh wait, I do, her stories. It's a good thing I have my passport, I plan to revisit Sang time and time again!