Written on Dec 8, 2020
We were never told outright what happened to Yasmin, but it is heavily implied that she is dead and her family did it. It did bother me when the book was done that Jane wasn't able to push her superiors into allowing her to pursue looking for the girl. But soon realized that sometimes that is just how a case goes and I don't think their was a way for Jane to verify that Yasmin went back to Pakistan. Even though we got a realistic ending, everything was cleared up in terms of the Police getting their murderer.
We see Jane get a conclusion to stuff that happened in previous books and even though I haven't read those books, I was still rooting for Jane to succeed. Especially with how some of her male colleagues treat her. It's great to see her get some confidence as the book moves along and she doesn't back down when she has a hunch.
I will be adding the other books to my list to eventually read, since I liked this one. I like Police Procedural and even though I've never read one set in a different place than the US, it was easy enough to follow along with the different procedures and different style of words.
Book was an easy read and I finished in a few days. I won this in a giveaway.