2.75 stars
I would like to start out writing this review by saying that I used to love Brunstetter's books, and while I still do love a lot of her novels, this one just wasn't for me.
The Hawaiin Discover is a multi-pov book that follows Ellen, Mandy, and Rob.
Ellen is Amish and is helping out her best friend Mandy who has left the Amish (but is still allowed to interact with the community because she never joined the church). Mandy and her husband go through two different tragedies that cause Ellen to offer help and move to Hawaii for a while.
During Ellen's time in Hawaii, she meets Rob who is also helping out Mandy and her husband. They become friends even though Rob isn't Amish and they become quite close.
Overall this book was okay. I found it to be a little lack lust for me personally. I found certain parts of the dialogue between characters to be a little strange feeling at times, but that just could have been because it was written by two authors instead of just one.
I did really enjoy Ellen and Mandy as characters. Ellen was always so kind and wanted her own life outside of just working at the family store. Mandy had gone against everything she had been taught and married an English man from Hawaii and created a life with him outside of the faith that she had grown up with. I also really enjoyed how accepting the community was of Mandy even though she hadn't joined the Amish church.
I also really enjoyed seeing Hawaii through Ellen's eyes and how she saw beauty in everything. It really helped me remember to be in the moment and stop worrying so much about everything else.
Overall even though this book wasn't exactly for me, I do think a lot of people will love this book.
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