Written on Jul 22, 2017
Rose is a 15-year-old young woman who is being persuaded to marry a much older man in order to help her family out financially. While she doesn't really want to marry him, she doesn't hate him, and she doesn't want her family to lose everything they have so she marries him.
Once they've gotten married and headed back to where the man lives which is Brooklyn. She tries to find where exactly she fits into his new life, and what she will now spend all of her time doing. This is something she struggles with, not only because of her age but because she isn't allowed to do the things she was used to doing. She couldn't garden or ride horses much because now she was a lady in a big city and had to follow society rules.
Overall I really didn't like this story. Between rose being a child bride and then actually getting pregnant, but none of that actually being talked about. Plus add in all the other little things that just never got explained, it was a very frustrating read. We never get to know much about Rose's new husband besides the minimum and anytime it felt like we were going to the subject was changed. I would have felt better about this book if it had actually talked about the repercussions of being a child bride and getting pregnant so young instead of just making everything seem so happy and like it would all be okay because he husband was so much older and knew what he was doing.