I wanted to read a book to get started on my happiness project in January. I admit I was scrolling through books on overdrive and it was the title that made me check it out.
I was really getting into the book til he made fun Of Eckhart Tolle. I read Eckhart and feel in love. Then I looked at it from HIS perspective and ok Tolle is a little well WAY out there but Tolle makes valid points. So there. This book was really heavy on the sarcasm. Which I have to admit irked me a little. I mean I am a hardcore Desire Mapper so you know I eat up stuff like Tolle. I even order the Desire Mapper planner. I know this was a journey from Harris perspective so I tried to read it as it was meant to be read.
When I switched gears I really loved reading about how he found meditation helpful. I loved reading about how he overcame drugs and such and how he dealt with the pressure to get to the top. I found a lot of useful tidbits that I can apply to my own life. I even wrote them in my personal development list so I wouldn't forget them.He told the truth about what happened when he tried mediation. I too could relate to his journey. I struggled to get to the point where I could "detach" and see things for what they are. I still struggle at times. Sometimes when I am meditating I am all like this is bullshit. Yet some days I reach that place of ALMOST niverina and I feel like I have clarity on what to do with my life.
In the end, I really ended up loving this book. If you can handle a heavy dose of scarcsam then you should read it also.
This review was originally posted on Adventures in Never Never Land