Written on Jul 16, 2021
This is the main group that deals with the overall major story. Some stories feel rushed, but they are expanded more in other tie-ins. There's some parts that, from what I saw, didn't get expanded on in other tie-ins and I wish that part of the story we were given more. The story was so packed that I wish it was an 8 instead of 6 single issues. There are some parts where I'm confused about how certain characters are there, when they appear to be in another place in certain tie-ins. Venom confused me too, if you've been reading the Venom series.
It didn't take away anything from the awesomeness of this event. There were some things that I think most people could have seen coming at the end, but the way it was told and the way the art was drawn, just made the reveals fantastic.
There are certain tie-ins that should be read along side this TPB and some only if you enjoy those characters. Find a list of summaries and it's easy to tell which should be read.
Fantastic Event. I've never been much of a Thor fan, as I find his comics to be boring, but this event was the work of Jason Aaron building up to it over the past several years. I recommend you read his previous works of Thor starting from "Thor: God of Thunder" and making your way through the years, especially with Jane Thor.
Art was amazing.
I would recommend this run to anybody, such a solid story from start to finish.