Written on Oct 12, 2017
Who: Cristina, the only female firefighter on staff and a lone wolf, who avoids attachments. Dustin, an EMT, who works with Cristina, and has openly wanted more from her since their one night together.
What: Dustin was making a hard push in her pursuit for Cristina, but after being rebuffed one too many times, decides that the ball is now in Cristina's court, and if she wanted him, she would need to make the first move. In the meantime, he was not waiting around for her, and was making life changes of his own.
Why: I really enjoyed this quick little story. Although it was quite short, Shalvis did a great job building her characters. Although I was not crazy about the way Cristina treated Dustin, I understood where all her reservations came from. Dustin was my favorite part of the story though. He was a wonderful hero, who was open and wore his heart on his sleeve, and I admired how he had to go against his heart to do what was best for himself. I also really liked the camaraderie in the firehouse. I liked that the men really claimed Cristina as one of their own, and their affections for her were quite obvious.
Overall: A short and sweet romance, where a big hearted hero is able to win the reluctant heroine.