Baroness Book Trove
Written on Dec 4, 2020
Will Jessica and Chase have a second chance together?
Jessica Parker
Jessica Parker is the main female protagonist and love interest. She is a single mom to a son that Jessica wants to keep safe. Jessica is doing a lot and is spreading herself thin since she wants to do everything. Jessica is an interesting character in the way that she wants to protect her son. She hasn't gotten over the love that she had with Chase. Jessica is a great character. Wesley is her son and wants to be a baseball player.
Chase Taynor
Chase Taynor is the main male protagonist and love interest. He is a baseball player that isn't doing too well. Chase's shoulder isn't helping him with his pitches. He likes spending time with Jessica and her son Wesley. Chase is having fun back home, and he likes being back there and remembering who he is and where he came from. He is a great character.
Four Stars
The Perfect Catch by Cassidy Carter is a great book that I loved reading. Chase and Jessica's love story is shown throughout the whole story. I loved reading this story, and I wonder if the film is just as good as the book. Chase, Jessica, and Wesley make a cute little family, and I'm glad that they act like one even though they aren't. I am giving this book four stars and recommending it to anyone that loves to read rom-coms.
Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of The Perfect Catch by Cassidy Carter.
Until the next time,
Happy Reading!
This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove