Beth C.
Written on Oct 21, 2017
Honestly, I was somewhat surprised by the book. I guess I expected more of the humor and less of the learning, though both were intertwined in such a way as to keep the learning from getting heavy-handed. The book covers such topics as "pillbillies", rap music (seriously), and things that "hit" (there are a lot of 'em). It also covers guns, poverty, and grandmothers. See? Something for everyone!
The biggest take-away for me, however, was a better understanding of why so much of the south tends to vote against their own interests. Don't get me wrong - it's still frustrating as hell. Probably always will be. But the three comedians-turned-authors make very clear the historical and present-day factors that contribute. They make no bones about the fact that they want their southern brethren to read this book, and maybe do some thinking about their own prejudices - and they are also very honest about those liberals in other places who spend a lot of time looking down their noses at those in the south.
Really, this should be a must-read for everyone, regardless of race, religion, color, creed, political views, or location. Because at the end of the day, they are right. We are more alike than we are different, and we could ALL use a hell of a lot more understanding, some give-and-take, and maybe some drinkin' to tie it all together.