Written on Apr 9, 2018
A lot of you know that Contemporary is a genre that I'm still getting comfortable with and learning what I do and don't like. So I go into every book with no expectations whatsoever, which is really helping me figure out what I do and don't like in contemporary novels. This one is definitely on my really like/love
This one is realistic for the most part, some parts were a little rom-com, but they were so good! Yes, this book does have a ton of main characters, but each one got the same amount of time, and they all connected which made this work so well.
Paisley and Henry had one of my favorite friendships of this book and this one had a lot of great ones. Henry is extremely shy and introverted and is a baseball player. While Paisley is on the prom committee and works at potato restaurant, and calls him telling all the gossip she learns while being on the job.
Cora has been in a relationship with Jamie since childhood and they are now the 'perfect high school sweetheart' couple. But, things are about to change as graduation gets closer and the rest of there lives looms closer and closer.
Otis was a character that was also one of my favorite. His relationship problems were so realistic and it was nice to see them being talked about in a book.
Lizzie portions of the book were so fun and full of mystery!
Cameron was one that I was a little meh about at first, but the more we learned about him the more I liked him and was so happy to see how things ended.
Jacinta has kind of just been in the background for most of high-school, but she's determined to make the last few months memorable.
Overall I loved this story. Realistic contemporary is truly becoming one of my favorite types of contemporary. Not only does this book feel very realistic and high school. It also dealt with more difficult topics without making them be the only thing about that person like a lot of books tend to do. I cannot recommend this book enough for an easy read!
I can't wait to read another book by this author. Any recs for which one I should start with?
Possible Spoilers
Otis is a gay young man in a relationship and I loved how it was written in this book. (please let me know if it wasn't a good representation)
Prom to remember has characters in the following spectrums: LGBTQIA, expectations from parents/friends, anxiety, family issues, all weights (this was mentioned during prom dress shopping).