Written on Apr 25, 2019
⛔ Girl hate.
⛔ Weird and inappropriate friendships with elderly men.
⛔ The idolisation of men while women are treated with hostility.
⛔ Main character openly and proudly announcing a preference to flirt with married men.
⛔ Inappropriate joking about becoming a lesbian and pretending to have an intellectual disability.
⛔ Constantly sexualising men. She also mentions that her behaviour is so she isn't mistaken for being asexual and it's important she feels normal.
⛔ Love interest has absolutely no interest in a relationship beyond his own pleasure. Sending unsolicited photos of his genitals.
⛔ Maeve also feels uncomfortable around other people with disabilities.
For transparency purposes, I'm a physically abled person but this was absolutely terrible. I'm all for young women exploring their sexuality, their bodies and with multiple partners as long as you're safe but this sends a message to young women to settle and be thankful for any male attention. That women aren't in a position to dictate the boundaries of our relationships, that we need someone else to show us our own self worth. Ladies, no. Absolutely not.
Do not put men on pedestals and put down other women simply for existing. Ladies, you deserve more, demand more. You're worth it.
This book however is not.