Quirky Cat
Written on Aug 11, 2019
What originally drew me to this series was the delightful artwork on the covers. It was charming and full of personality, and in general looked like the sort of thing I would enjoy. And I certainly wasn’t wrong.
Frank and Sadie Doyle are two upper society lovebirds that deal with things that go bump in the night. It may seem like an odd entertainment choice, given their options. But it works for them. Here the couple end up in a haunted house, but with a few unexpected twists along the way.
The Thrilling Adventure Hour: Residence Evil was a quirky and delightful read. As mentioned above, I’d never listened to the podcast it was based off of (but maybe I should) but I had no troubles understanding our leading characters or the adventure they were on.
I’m sure that fans of the original media would enjoy this tale, perhaps more than I did. But I also think that new fans could easily jump on board as well.
This graphic novel was oddly whimsical, with an airs to it that was teasing and joyous, even when dealing with some of the darker elements of the world. I think that’s what made it so unique, truth be told. I would love to see more of the adventures of Frank and Sadie.
I love how The Thrilling Adventure Hour managed to flip everything around, with twists and turns to classic tropes. It turned everything into its own unique version. And that made for a lot of fun.
The couple ends up in a haunted house, along with another couple. But none of the events go quite as I would have expected – and I loved that. Our leading couple didn’t react at all how I expected, and the situation itself proved to be more surprising and intricate than I expected as well. In short, it was a lot of fun all around.
The plot continued onwards from there. And I’m not going to lie; the whole take on vampires had me chuckling. I just couldn’t help myself! It’s clear that they wanted the situation to be pushed to the most absurd extremes. And it did, though it added to the charm as well, oddly enough.
I’m looking forward to seeing more of The Thrilling Adventure Hour. In fact, I might just have to cave and check out that podcast!
For more reviews check out Quirky Cat's Fat Stacks